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Newborn named after Hitler gets separated from the mother

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Newborn named after Hitler gets separated from the mother NEW JERSEY — A New Jersey couple who lost custody of their first three kids after giving them Nazi-inspired names has been denied the right to take home their fourth child, a newborn boy they named Hons. Heath and Deborah Campbell’s other children – Adolf Hitler Campbell, Joyce Lynn Aryan Nation Campbell and Honszlynn Hinler Jeannie Campbell – are in foster care. On Monday, the Campbells went to family court in their hometown of Flemington, N.J,. in a bid to regain custody of Hons, who they say was taken from them by state child welfare officials hours after Deborah gave birth on Thursday, reported myfoxphilly.com. Hons is still in the hospital, but the couple has been barred from seeing the baby, they told FOX. Heath Campbell said police came into the nursery and took Hons without a court order. “They kidnapped my kid,” Campbell said. “I’ve been sleeping with his little blanket from the hospital.” The state took custody of the couple’s other children nearly two years ago, saying there were in danger because of previous violence in the Campbell home, The Associated Press has reported. The Campbells have been fighting to get their children back ever since, claiming the violence charges are fabricated. It wasn’t clear whether the latest court hearing involved all of the children or just the newborn. The Campbells came into the spotlight in 2009 when a supermarket refused to ice a birthday cake for their now 4-year-old son Adolf Hitler. Heath Campbell defended the children’s names and told myfoxphilly.com on Monday that his reverend approved of him naming his new son Hons.

The Campbells have denied that they are neo-Nazis.

Transcribed by Janete Weinstein Source: ABC & NBC Image Google 22 November 2011

3:40 p.m. PST

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