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Brazil Resources buys land in Goias State Brazil

1 Mins read

(BDCi) – Brazil Resources Inc. is pleased to announce it has staked 247,000 acres covering the Pireneus region in Goias State, Brazil.

The project area is located approximately 150 km west of Brasilia and contains several occurrences of historic artisanal gold mining operations.

After completing a preliminary review of available exploration data and examining neighboring projects, the Company’s geological team is encouraged by the potential of the new project area. Goias State is an emerging gold-producing district in Brazil with increasing production from the Kinross-Anglogold Ashanti Crixas Mine and Yamana Gold’s Chapada Mine and total qualified gold resources of more than 7 million ounces.

President and CEO Stephen Swatton stated, “Today’s announcement is a significant development in realizing our goals to establish a diversified project portfolio throughout Brazil by adding this district-sized land package in one of Brazil’s most prominent minin jurisdictions. We continue to be excited by the potential of our exploration activities in the Gurupi Belt, including our pending drilling program at Montes Aureos, which is currently our primary project.”

By: Natania Levine Courtesy: finance.yahoo.com Photo: Google Images 1 December 2011

10:20 a.m P.S.T

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