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UC Berkeley to hold racist bake sale

UC Berkeley to hold racist bake sale

BERKELEY (BDCi) – UC Berkeley will hold an “Increase Diversity Bake Sale” on Tuesday, aimed at drawing attention to new legislation that would let universities in California consider race and gender during admissions.

Shawn Lewis, president of the Berkeley College Republicans putting on the event, says he agrees that the bake sale is racist and that is the point. “It is no more racist than giving [someone] an advantage in college admissions based solely on their race…”

The bake sale is met with controversy. Lewis, as well as supporters of the event, have received threats. Similar events on campuses across the country have been shut down.

Lewis and his club have yet to choose a charity to whom the proceeds will be sent, but due to all the controversy, it will remain anonymous.

Bake Sale Prices White………….$2 Asian………….$1.50 Latino…………$1 Black………….$0.75 Native Am…… $0.25

Women receive $0.25 off those prices

By: Diego Díaz Source: NPR 26 September 2011

10:11 a.m. P.D.T.

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