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Tips to sleep better

LOS ANGELES, CA (BDCi) —  We all want a nice night of sleep don’t we? BDCi News went around the net and gathered a list of tips from specialists to give you a few tips for a good night’s sleep.

1. Ban Blue light in the bedroom – The short waves of blue light may interfere with sleep.  Turn off TVs, VCR, computers and other blue light producers an hour before sleep.  You might want to cover any blue display that you can’t shut off.

2. Avoid Naps – If you have trouble sleeping but can’t avoid taking a nap, keep it short, 20 minutes or less. When you feel your eyes getting a little heavier, call a friend, get up go for a walk or drink some water.

3. If you suffer from back pain – Try using a pillow between the legs for better alignment of the hips and that might just reduce the stress on the lower back.

4. Find the right pillow – You might think that is not the most important think when it comes to tips to sleep better, however having the right pillow might solve most of your problems.  Your neck should be in neutral position on the pillow, what do I mean? Not to tall or not to short. Finding the right pillow can save you from being up all night.

5. Reserve the room for sleep and sex – Don’t take work to bed! This room should be about resting and relaxation.

6. Follow you body clock – Go to bed and wake up about the same time.  Keeping your body on its natural schedule will keep your brain balanced.  Get out into bright light for 5-30 minutes as soon as you wake up. Light is a powerful regulators of the biological clock.

7. Avoid caffeine at night –  Caffeine interferes with the deeper stages of sleep, so even small amounts may impact your rest.

8. Dim the lights – 3-4 hours before bedtime, start to lower the lights around the house, your brain will start to produce melatonin, a hormone that brings on sleep.

9. Free your mind at bed time – Read something calm, meditate, listen to music or take a warm bath. Try making a list of worries, along with a plan to deal with them, to bring closure to your day.

10. Insomnia – If you have been suffering from insomnia the problem maybe deeper than you think – talk to a doctor before self- medicating yourself with sleeping aids.

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