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The fan experience at the 2013 FIFA Confederation Cup

FORTALEZA (BDCi) – – On Wednesday, the Brazilian national team showed grit and talent to outlast the Mexican side 2-0 in front of 60,000+ adoring fans at the 2013 FIFA Confederation Cup.

That kind of skill, organization and effectiveness was unfortunately not duplicated in the event organization efforts or in the basic infrastructure surrounding the Arena Castelao.

Event organization and management – There was an obvious opportunity missed by event organizers by not staffing and stocking concession stands sufficiently. BDCi went to a typical concession stand in the Arena Castelao and found the following, rather incredulous issues:

– Only 2 lines available because there were only 4 staff persons available to serve and process payment. We left at the 35th minute of the first half, and being about the 25th person in line, returned to the game at the 65th minute…about an hour wait.

Infrastructure around the stadium – First, please understand that this beautiful stadium is in the absolutely worst area of the beach city of Fortaleza. Poverty and crime run rampant in the surrounding areas, and yet event management just seemingly ignores transportation concerns.

– BDCi cannot comment on the women’s bathroom area, but the men’s was disgusting, reflecting again a lack of staff to maintain it.

– Stadium parking was extremely limited. BDCi only observed maybe a couple dozen “Turismo” buses at the most in the small parking lot. In a small defense of the management, there were some protests going on, but with such a huge military police presence, BDCi thinks that they could have created a detour and allowed more taxis and buses to drive to the stadium before and after the game. BDCi was unbelievably fortunate to find a taxi before the game to drive us up. However after the game, we had to walk with thousands of game attendees for about a couple miles to get to our cars which were parked, at risk, in private business parking lots.

– There were “park and ride” opportunities where public buses would take you from designated parking areas to the game, but the advertisement of this limited service was basically a “someone who knew somebody who knew another” process. And of course these buses were packed like sardines, so not the most comfortable experience for sports fans.

All in all, if this were private industry, the shareholders would fire the management ASAP and replace them with people who are dedicated to a result that pleases fans attending in person, and those watching around the globe. For as much pride as there is deservingly so for the soccer team, there should be a greater level of pride that the home country’s leadership didn’t let the citizens of Brazil down, but represented them to the world with class, professionalism and success. Since the protestors are complaining about World Cup funds being siphoned away from the public needs, you would think that the least thing FIFA-CBF could do would be to put on the greatest show on earth in the greatest way ever.

For those attending any Confederation Cup matches, we welcome your comments. Please feel free to post in the comment area below or on our Facebook page.

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