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Sunset Blvd bridge reopens

L.A. (BDCi) – The last traffic cones were removed early this morning (24) to make way for the now “wider and stronger” Sunset Boulevard bridge, part of the $1 billion 405 project.

Construction to widen the eternally busy freeway began two years and two months ago and the Sunset bridge is the first part of the project to reopen.

To add a northbound carpool lane to the 405, the bridge was widened to 120 feet and raised some five feet higher, with new water and utility lines.

There are now also eight lanes, two of which are “dedicated-turn lanes” in either direction.

The Sunset bridge’s reopening comes just before the dreaded “Carmageddon II” during which the 405 will be completely closed to demolish the northern half of the Mulholland Drive bridge, also for widening.

The new 405 carpool lane network will measure 48 miles when completed and will be the largest continuous carpool lane in the country.

By: Diego Díaz

Source: LA Times

Photo: Google

24 September 2012

10:00 a.m. P.D.T.

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