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Sinkhole swallows up Brazil neighborhood

1 Mins read

NATAL (BDCi) – A poor neighborhood in one of Brazil’s 12 World Cup host cities is dealing with a massive sinkhole that has already damaged the homes of 150 families.

Cars have also been swallowed up altogether.

Heavy rains from the past few days caused the giant hole to gradually open a short distance from a coastal road, often used by fans visiting the city.

One of President Rousseff’s top aides arrived in Natal on Friday (20) to supervise aid efforts and provide housing to those affected.

According to Integration Minister Francisco Teixeira, the government plans to stabilize the soil and rebuild the area’s drainage system, after the displaced families are cared for.

Authorities will condemn and demolish other homes in danger of being swallowed up if the ground cedes any further.

The Group D match between Uruguay and Italy will take place in Natal on Tuesday (23).

By: Diego Díaz Source: AP Photo: Google 23 June 2014

10:00 a.m. P.D.T.

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