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Preemie found alive, in ‘very serious’ condition

RESISTENCIA, ARGENTINA (BDCi) – The baby found alive in a morgue in Argentina after being pronounced dead was in critical but improving condition but has recently been listed in “very serious condition.”

Doctors have detached an infection that could compromise Luz Milagros’s kidney function and even her neurological system.

Parents Analia Bouter and Fabian Veron found their newborn daughter still alive inside a coffin at the morgue.

The case reached the public on Tuesday (10) after the Chaco Health Ministry announced that five medical professionals had been suspended for their involvement in the incident, pending an official investigation.

Bouter told local reporters that she was handed her daughter’s death certificate just 20 minutes after giving birth and that she has yet to receive a birth certificate for her daughter.

Once the baby was taken to the morgue, the parents had to wait 12 hours before they were allowed to “say goodbye.”

This is when Bouter heard that her daughter was still alive in the coffin, having first thought it was just her imagination.

A morgue worker quickly confirmed that the baby was indeed alive and she was rushed to the neonatal intensive care unit at the hospital.

Luz Milagros was described as “amazingly healthy” even though she was born three months early and has not needed oxygen or other forms of support that are usually given to preemies.

She is currently being treated with antibiotics for the infection.

Bouter says her family plans to sue the staff at Hospital Perrando for malpractice.

She added that she still wants answers.

Parents find ‘stillborn’ baby alive

By: Diego Díaz Source: Fox News Photo: Google 12 April 2012

7:50 p.m. P.D.T.

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