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Ownership of Dodgers still in question

Ownership of Dodgers still in question
LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA (BDCi) – Frank and Jamie McCourt expect to settle their divorce and the question of who owns the Dodgers in a trial during the 2012 baseball season.

The trial is expected to start next spring or summer and it will last 30 to 45 days, a timetable set forth by attorneys on both sides after a hearing Wednesday at Los Angeles Superior Court.

Frank McCourt claims sole ownership of the Dodgers and ex-wife Jamie claims half-ownership. It is unclear when the Dodgers will emerge from federal bankruptcy protection. After the Dodgers took a 150-million bankruptcy loan from Major League Baseball, Frank McCourt’s attorneys said the team has funding to operate until well into next season.

The 2012 trial would resolve all remaining issues including who owns the Dodgers, support and division of assets.

The McCourts are scheduled to return to court Nov. 17 and 18, when Judge Scott Gordon is expected to hear arguments on spousal support and attorney fees and set a trial date.

By Natania Levine Courtesy: 15 September 2011

2:40 p.m P.D.T

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