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Occupy protestor now working on Wall Street

Occupy protestor now working on Wall Street
LOWER MANHATTAN, NY (BDCi) – Tracy Postert was occupied Wall Street for fifteen days, protesting in support of the 99%, to which, until recently, she belonged.

KTLA reports that Postert now works at an investment firm just two blocks away from Zuccotti Park where she was protesting.

Postert had a PhD in Biomedial science but was unemployed and had thousands of dollars of student loans to pay off. So in addition to protesting she also held up a sign for people to ask for her resume, hoping someone, somewhere would offer her a job.

She obviously did not have to look far, ironically finding a position two blocks from the park as a junior analyst at the John Thomas Financial brokerage, where she evaluates medical companies as potential investments.

Though Postert says she is making minimum wage and will “still be a part of he ninety percent,” her boss says she will be making six figures in no time.

By: Diego Díaz Source: KTLA Photo: Google 6 December 2011

10:20 a.m. P.D.T.

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