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Obama to meet with Mexico’s president

MEXICO CITY, MEXICO—President Barack Obama is travelling to Mexico on Thursday for talks that will focus on trade between the United States and Mexico. Mexico is the third largest trade partner of the United States and the president wants to look into creating jobs on both sides of the border through an increased network.

Obama’s planned immigration reform will also be discussed with Mexican president Enrique Pena Nieto. Obama will also visit Costa Rica during this time.

United States National Security Advisor Ben Rhodes stated that strong economic ties between Mexico and the United States have long been overshadowed by a focus on security, but this trip will try to restore the balance. Mexico’s deputy foreign minister said similar, and stated the presidents would discuss, “the benefits and the need to re-balance and diversify the relationship.”

 This will be the second meeting between the US leader and Pena Nieto.

Obama is also expected to urge Mexico to help the United States secure the 2000 mile long border.

“All the immigration plans that have been contemplated put a focus on securing the border as an essential priority and starting point for immigration reform.” Security advisor Ben Rhodes stated.

Getting Mexico’s agreement in this could be vital to Obama as he tries to sell his immigration reform policy to the US legislature.

By: Julia Roake

Source: BBC

Image: BBC

2 May 2013

08:00am PDT

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