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New book rejects Mexican-American stereotypes

New book rejects Mexican-American stereotypes

L.A.  (BDCi) – The new book “Barrios to Burbs: The Making of the Mexican-American Middle Class” by sociologist Jody Agius Vallejo refutes the notion that Mexican-Americans are mostly poor and uneducated.

Also an assistant professor of sociology at USC, Vallejo’s book emphasizes that Chicanos and other Latino groups actually belong mainly to the middle class.

Vallejo, whose father married a Mexican-American, grew up in a Hispanic family environment from age 7.

In her research she found that most studies “focused on poor and uneducated Hispanics” while she knew of another type of Latino not represented in the aforementioned research.

According to the book, 27% of second-generation Mexican-Americans have white collar jobs as well as 31% in the third generation.

“Although I don’t have direct Latino blood, I feel Hispanic and that has put me in a unique position,” she says.

By: Diego Díaz

Source: Fox News Latino

Photo: Google

14 September 2012

5:38 a.m. P.D.T.

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