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Loma Linda residents outraged over McDonald’s

Loma Linda residents outraged over McDonald’s
(BDCi) – The health conscious residents of Loma Linda, a small California city with a large Seventh-day Adventist population, have banded together to fight against the opening of the town’s first McDonald’s.

Loma Linda is known for enjoying one of the longest life spans in the world. On average, residents live well into their 80s. Its people are obsessed with fitness and clean living.

So, when McDonald’s wanted to move in, the people of Loma Linda came together to fight it. They went before the city council to voice their outrage against approving McDonald’s coming to their town.

Besides being health conscious, the town is heavily Seventh-day Adventist, a religion that strongly encourages congregants to follow a vegetarian or vegan diet, as well as an alcohol, tobacco and caffeine-free lifestyle.

Pastor Randy Roberts of the Loma Linda University Church says the church has not taken an official position on the McDonald’s controversy, but stands for living “ a balanced, healthy, and whole lifestyle.”

Even though Loma Linda’s city council approved the McDonald’s development, the residents who are fighting it say it’s not a done deal yet.

By: Natania Levine Courtesy: Photo: 23 January 2012

11:17 a.m P.S.T

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