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Lives rounds fired by police during protest

RIO DE JANEIRO (BDCi) – In a video released by the Associated Press, a Brazilian police officer appears to fire a live pistol at a group protesting near the Argentina-Bosnia and Herzegovina game on Sunday (16).

During the small yet chaotic anti-Cup protest just a mile away from the Maracanã stadium in Rio, a man not in uniform (pictured above), who identified himself as another officer, fired two live rounds into the air.

The protest began at the start of the match but quickly turned violent as the group began to march towards the stadium.

As the demonstrators approached a security point half a mile away from Maracanã stadium, riot police used tear gas and stun grenades to break up the crowd.

Before the violence ensued, the protesters could be heard chanting “FIFA, go back to Switzerland.”

Smaller demonstrations also took place in Brasília and Porto Alegre.

By: Diego Díaz Source: AP Photo: Getty 16 June 2014

9:15 a.m. P.D.T.

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