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Less Latinos living in poverty

Less Latinos living in poverty

L.A. (BDCi) – Although 1 of 4 Latinos in the U.S. still live in poverty, the overall number has dropped from 26.5% to 25.3% (13,522,000 to 13,244,000) from 2010 to 2011.

Household income for Hispanics did drop 0.5% ($38,818 to $38,624) but its the smallest drop of any group.

The overall poverty rate has remained statistically unchanged (15.1% to 15%), with an official poverty line of $23,021 a year for a family of four.

Roughly 46.2 million people are still below the poverty line.

The government bases its calculation of the poverty line only on income before tax deductions, excluding capital gains and accumulated wealth.

By: Diego Díaz

Source: Fox News Latino

Photo: Google

13 September 2012

10:38 a.m. P.D.T.

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