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Indigenous tribe makes first contact in Brazil

ACRE (BDCi) – A new unnamed indigenous community has been discovered at Brazil’s border with Peru, on the banks of the Envira River in Acre State.

They were found last month by Brazilian researchers from FUNAI, the indigenous peoples’ government foundation.

The members of the this community speak a still in-deciphered language, but the researchers say the new tribe was fleeing drug smugglers.

According to a 2013 census, there are more than 800,000 indigenous people in Brazil and 560 have been murdered in the past ten years.

Aside from drug dealers, such communities often encounter religious leaders and mining agents, but they do not necessarily surrender to the idea of being “saved” and simply move on if they feel threatened.

The new tribe only had the basics with them, like soap, salt, matches and, of course, a shotgun and bullets for protection.

FUNAI was in the right place at the right time, as they aim to protect tribal communities like this one.

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