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Emergency contraception approved for over the counter sale

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WASHINGTON DC—United States health regulators have approved a brand of emergency contraception for those without a prescription, if they are fifteen years of age or older. This was in defiance to a judge’s order to give every woman—despite age—access to the morning after pill.

“The product will now be labeled ‘not for sale to those under fifteen years of age (proof of age required). Not for sale where age cannot be verified” The FDA said in a statement. Until now, morning after pills had only been available by prescriptions to those under seventeen, and for sale behind the counter for those over seventeen.

In April, US District Court Judge Edward Korman ruled that a decision made in 2011 to require teens under seventeen to obtain a prescription was both “politically motivated” and “scientifically unjustified”.

 The data suggested that women who were older than fifteen understood how emergency contraception worked, and how to use it properly. The ruling applied to only one brand of emergency contraception, and requires it to be security tagged to avoid theft.

Nancy Northup, president of the Center for Reproductive Rights, states that the FDAs ruling does not go far enough. “There are daunting and sometimes insurmountable hoops women are forced to jump through in time-sensitive circumstances.” She stated. “We will continue our battle to remove these arbitrary restrictions on emergency contraception for all women.”

By: Julia Roake

Source: AFP

Image: AFP

1 May 2013

07:30am PDT

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