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Daryl Hannah Arrested in White House Protest

Daryl Hannah Arrested in White House Protest
WASHINGTON (BDCi) – Actress Daryl Hannah has been arrested in front of the White House where she was protesting with other environmental activists opposing a pipeline expansion project that would increase the amount of oil the U.S. imports from Canada’s controversial Alberta oil sands.

Dozens of people including Hannah came to the sit-in Tuesday to protest the Keystone XL pipeline. The pipeline would go through Montana, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas then straight to Texas Refineries.

Before an arrest had been made Hannah told The Associated Press that activists are coming together because they want to be free from dependence on fossil fuels. Hannah says she is crossing her fingers that President Barack Obama will not take sides with oil lobbyists.

Hannah sat on the sidewalk and refused to move when asked by the U.S. Park Police. She has been arrested in the past because of her passion for environmental causes.

If the Keystone XL expansion does take place it will be one of the biggest pipelines in the country.

By: Kristyn Fryrear Edited by: Janete Weinstein Source: CNN August 31, 2011

11:30 a.m. PDT

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