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Crazy about fashion sneakers

Crazy about fashion sneakers

LOS ANGELES, CA (BDCi) — How crazy about fashion sneakers are you on a scale of 1 to 10?

You better love it, because today I decided to dedicate this post to talk about sneakers only. And guess what? Sneakers are by far the most relaxing and comfortable shoes in my opinion.

Sneakers with high heels, most known as sneaker pumps, were popular in the early 90’s and now are back strong. You might’ve seen them around already. The sneakers with high heels are the hottest trend at the moment. It’s all over at high end boutiques, sporting goods and department stores.

Some people think that sneakers are too “sporty” and don’t look that good with their outfit, but that statement has changed in the past year or so. Sneakers are now, as trendy as any pair of shoes can be. People love all colors, kinds and brands.

Shoes have always been an important part of a person’s outfit, and the range of choices available for women are truly huge. Expensive high heel brands are very popular among the women that follow fashion, and sneakers are the teenagers’ favorite choice.

What do you think is more important, uncomfortable fashion shoes that look stunning and elegant created by famous designers or comfy shoes that are not so stylish? The question seems to be an easy one to answer, however it can be a very complex discussion for some people.

During my quick research, I decided to go around and ask some ladies about their shoe preferences. Here’s what I got:

Half of the women I spoke with said: “It’s all about looks”. They added that they are ok suffering in order to look beautiful, and heels that hurt are still worth it because it they make them look much more sexy and elegant and give them a feeling of power and confidence.

The other half said the complete opposite of the first group, “Oh no, it’s all about feeling comfortable in our own skin. “It’s not worth it to sacrifice our comfortable zone to feel beautiful”. ”If you feel comfortable, it can reflect in your look, so you don’t need to wear shoes that hurt to feel beautiful”.

And to which group do you belong to? Well, here is some good news. What if I told you that there is a sneaker style that mixes sport and classy together?

For instance, Nike heels “Dunks” is an incredible option due to its unique style in my opinion. You can see them in the pictures I’m sharing. Brands like Adidas, Rebook, DKNY, and Pastry made their own versions as they saw the potential market growth.

Honestly, I think the combination of heels with sneakers is the GREATEST IDEA ever, in my opinion. They are comfortable, beautiful and elegant. In addition to being very popular, the shoes also make a huge impression. Go check it out and find one that suits your style. There are so many selections to choose from.

See you guys next week with more SUMMER FASHION TIPS!

By Giselle Claudino

Edited by Janete Weinstein

Source:, Designerz Central,

Photos: Google images,

August 7, 2012

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