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Brazil prostitute may sue U.S. embassy

Brazil prostitute may sue U.S. embassy
BRASILIA (BDCi) – A now-former prostitute from Brazil is planning to sue the United States Embassy as well as five personnel members for injuries she sustained in December.

According to Romilda Aparecida Ferreira, 31, the suit will be for injuries, medical expenses, lost income and psychological trauma, resulting from an embassy van that ran her over outside of a strip club.

She says after she and her colleagues discussed a price and place with four Americans.

When Ferreira attempted to get into the same van her colleagues were in, she says a man pushed her out.

The van drove off but not before running her over.

Ferreira’s injuries include a broken collarbone and a punctured lung and she says she was left stranded after the incident.

Her lawyers are planning a civil suit and considering criminal charges of assault and failing to help an injured person.

Ferreira was hospitalized for 12 days.

She is still recovering from her surgery and is starting a new career as a pet shop owner.

Marines punished for injuring prostitute in Brazil

By: Diego Díaz Source: Reuters Photo: Reuters 27 April 2012

10:05 a.m. P.D.T.

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