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$250 fines for barking dogs approved

$250 fines for barking dogs approved
L.A. (BDCi) – The Los Angeles City Council approved an ordinance on Tuesday that fines the owners of dogs who excessively bark $250, reports the L.A. Times.

Owners are fined $500 for a second offense and $1,000 for a third offense, should a Department of Animal Services hearing officer decide the canine barks too much.

According to city prosecutor Dov Lesel, a dog’d barking is considered excessive if it goes on for ten minutes or more, or intermittently for 30 minutes or more within a three-hour period.

Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa is expected to sign off on the ordinance and would go into effect before the year’s end.

By: Diego Díaz Source: AP Photo: Google 3 November 2011

9:43 a.m. P.D.T.

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